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Ростокина Ирина Сергеевна134
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Павлово

Словообразование. Отрицательные приставки прилагательных.

Word formation Negative prefixes Словообразование Отрицательные приставки прилагательных Rostokina Irina Sergeevna School 9 Pavlovo

Пояснительная записка Предмет –английский язык Класс 8 (14-15 лет) Тема урока – Словообразование. Отрицательные приставки прилагательных. Цель презентации: - познакомить учащихся с правилами образования прилагательных с помощью отрицательных приставок; - научить образовывать прилагательные с противоположным значением с помощью приставок un-,dis-,in-,il-,im-,ir-; - научить применять изученные прилагательные в письменной и устной речи.

1.Read teenagers’ opinions on piracy. Who do you agree with? Find the adjectives with negative prefixes. Прочитайте мнения подростков о пиратстве. С кем вы согласны? Найдите прилагательные . Download or not to download? DVDs and computer games are so expensive. It’s unsurprising that people download them illegally. But it’s unfair on the small, independent companies. James It is the same as stealing from a shop. It’s simply dishonest, irresponsible and unacceptable. Mary It’s like an invisible crime. You can’t see the victim. That’s why many people don’t feel bad about it. Mark Big film and music companies make a lot of money, so I think illegal downloading is OK. Tom

1.Read teenagers’ opinions on piracy. Who do you agree with? Find the adjectives with negative prefixes. Download or not to download? DVDs and computer games are so expensive. It’s unsurprising that people download them illegally. But it’s unfair on the small, independent companies. James It is the same as stealing from a shop. It’s simply dishonest, irresponsible and unacceptable. Mary It’s like an invisible crime. You can’t see the victim. That’s why many people don’t feel bad about it. Mark Big film and music companies make a lot of money, so I think illegal downloading is OK. Tom

Complete the rule. Дополните правило. Unsurprising, unfair, independent , dishonest, irresponsible, unacceptable, invisible, illegal impatient, uncertain, impossible, dissatisfied, unbelievable, unsafe, incorrect, unkind Un- Dis- In- Im- Ir- il- The prefixes un-,dis-,in-,im-,ir-,il- are negative. They make the meaning of adjectives opposite. _____ is used with adjectives beginning with r. Example________________ _____ is used with adjectives beginning with l. Example________________ _____ is used with adjectives beginning with b,m,p. Example________________ 2.Fill in the table with the adjectives from the text. Add some more words from the list below. Заполните таблицу прилагательными с отрицательными приставками из текста. Дополните ее прилагательными из списка ниже. Give the Russian equivalents of the words. Consult the dictionary.

Negative prefixes Un- Dis- In- Im- Ir- Il- unsurprising unfair unacceptable uncertain unbelievable unsafe unkind dishonest dissatisfied independent invisible incorrect impatient impossible irresponsible illegal The prefixes un-,dis-,in- (im-,ir-,il-) are negative. They make the meaning of adjectives opposite. Ir - is used with adjectives beginning with r. Example irresponsible Il- is used with adjectives beginning with l. Example illegal Im- is used with adjectives beginning with b,m,p. Example impolite 2.Check yourself and learn the rule.

3.Rewrite the sentences using the adjective with a negative prefix. Перепишите предложения, используя прилагательные с отрицательными приставками. Her kitchen is in a mess. (tidy) Your answer is wrong. (correct) He is very rude. (polite) I am unhappy with my exam results. (satisfied) Don’t drive so fast. It is dangerous. (safe)

4.Complete the sentences with the antonyms. In pairs, answer the questions. Дополните вопросы антонимами. В парах, ответьте на вопросы. Are teenagers generally responsible or ____________? Is your handwriting legible or ___________________? Is smoking in public places legal or _______________? Are you generally honest or _________________? Are you patient or _________________?

5.(optional) Do a crossword puzzle. Решите кроссворд (д\з) Use –in,-il, -ir, -im.

5.Check your answers.

Well done!